Senior Year Coursework

  • In this course taught by Anis Bawarishi, I became familiarized with current critical debates regarding approaches to teaching writing. Through weekly readings and discussions, we covered expressivist, cognitivist, social constructivist and critical approaches, which allowed us to define and locate our own personal pedagogies in relation to existing debates. At the end of the course, I had completed a teaching portfolio, as well as an ethnography of a writing classroom and a collaborative presentation discussing the use of creative writing in composition courses.

  • I am currently taking this course.

  • I will be taking this course in the upcoming spring quarter.

  • This was the first course that I took in the year-long series required by the English departmental honors program. Taught by Professor Laura Chrisman, this course was a seminar-style discussion focusing on a selection of texts from the 1930s that demonstrate radical American culture. Over the course of the quarter, I wrote three essays, each focused on a particular area of research (archival, cultural, conceptual), then participated in a series of peer review workshops. While I found the theme of this course fascinating, my main takeaway was learning how to help develop and contribute to a collaborative learning community.

  • I am currently taking this course.

  • I will be taking this course in the upcoming spring quarter.


Year Three